Adirondack Diversity Initiative
The mission of ADI is to develop and promote strategies to help the Adirondack Park and its nearby communities become more welcoming and inclusive of all New Yorkers, both visitors and residents.

What we do

The Adirondack Diversity Initiative (ADI) exists at the intersection of environmental and transformational justice, working to make the Adirondacks a more welcoming and inclusive place for both residents and visitors while ensuring a vital and sustainable Adirondack Park for future generations.
ADI exists as the only program of its kind in the region. It is the result of unprecedented bipartisan support at the state level and endorsement by more than 40 community agencies across the Adirondack North Country. Moreover, and of critical importance to our educational initiatives, ADI’s philosophy privileges the lived experiences of members of the community in all aspects of our work. This stems from our belief that communities must play a central role as actors and stakeholders in articulating, facilitating, mobilizing and executing efforts that advance transformational justice in the Adirondack Park and surrounding areas.
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